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** Registrations for Playgroup, Pre KG, KG 1 and KG 2 admissions open for the academic year 2025-26 between 9.00 a.m. and 1.30 p.m. at Yuvabharathi Nursery School, No:557, Alagesan Road, Saibaba Colony, Coimbatore -11. Contact # 0422 4208105 / Mobile # 8220059606

News & Events

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Vibrance 2024: A Dazzling Spectacle by Yuvabharathi Nursery

The little stars from Yuvabharathi Nursery lit up the stage during "Vibrance 2024”, our Annual Day celebration held on the 20th of December 2024.

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X mas celebrations

Yuvabharthi Nursery's Christmas celebrations started with the kids decorating the nativity scene with figurines and embellishing the Christmas tree with ornaments.

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Community Helpers Day

On the 15th of November 2024, KG 2 students of Yuvabharathi Nursery School honoured the community's backbone, "Community Helpers," by donning the attire of their favourite professionals.

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Children's Day 2024

Yuvabharathi Nursery created beautiful moments to make the children feel special on Children's Day. Dr. Roshini Manoj, the Principal, started the day of 'fun and frolicking' by issuing tickets for the kids' favourite movie.

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"Nature's Nook" - KG I Theme Day

Yuvabharathi Nursery School celebrated "Animal Theme Day" on the 12th of November 2024 to appreciate the diversity of animals and promote Ecoconsciousness among young minds.

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Diwali Celebrations

Yuvabharathi Nursery celebrated Diwali, the festival of lights, on the 29th of October 2024. We celebrate Diwali to mark the triumph of light over darkness and virtue over evil.

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Tapestry of Tradition - KG2 Theme Day

The celebration of the theme "Tapestry of Tradition" transformed Yuvabharathi Nursery into a vibrant miniature of Tamil Nadu on the 18th of October 2024.

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Grandparents' Day Celebration

Yuvabharathi Nursery School celebrated Grandparents' Day on the 16th of October, 2024, to celebrate the mutual adoration and unconditional love of grandparents and grandchildren.

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Navratri Celebration

Yuvabharathi Nursery School celebrated Navratri, the nine-night festival, with fervour and devotion on the 10th of October 2024.

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Fun & Fireless Fiesta 2024

Yuvabharathi Nursery conducts 'Fun & Fireless' every year to inspire children to make healthy eating choices. Mrs. Nehaarika Sanjeev, Member of School Management, and Dr. Roshini Manoj, the Principal, presided over 'Fun & Fireless 2024'.

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Onam celebrations 2024

Yuvabharathi Nursery celebrated Onam on the 13th of September 2024, commemorating our rich cultural diversity, tradition and colour.

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Ganesh Chaturthi Celebrations

Ganesh Chaturthi, the day of birth of Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, was celebrated with pomp on the 4th of September 2024.

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Krishna Janmashtami

Krishna Jayanthi celebrations, held on the 23rd of August 2024, filled the ambience with the fragrance of the flowers, the glittering of the lamps, and the Krishna Jhoola that captivated everyone.

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Dolls Day 2024

Dolls Day was conducted for Grade KG 1 students on the 22nd of August, 2024. Dolls are sources of entertainment and education for children. They help them engage in role-playing that mimics everyday life.

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Yuvabharathi Nursery celebrates the 78th Independence Day

Yuvabharathi Nursery School celebrated the 78th Independence Day by remembering the great sacrifices of our freedom fighters with patriotic fervour.

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Parenting techniques, child nutrition and welfare - An interactive session

Yuvabharathi Nursery School organized a session on "Parenting techniques, child nutrition and welfare” for parents on the 8th of August,2024.

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Aadi Perukku 2024 - Ethnic Day

To pay tribute to water, the elixir of life, and to pray for a bountiful harvest, Yuvabharathi Nursery School celebrated Adi Perukku with traditional festivity on August 2nd, 2024.

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Colours Day 2024

Colours Day, a vibrant celebration for PreKG kids, was held on the 30th of July, 2024. Mrs. Neharika Sanjeev, Member of the School Management, inaugurated the event alongside Dr. Roshini Manoj, Principal of Yuvabharathi Nursery School.

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Little Yuvabharathian makes Coimbatore proud in Ice Skating

Aniv Aditya Vikram of KG 2 (2024-2025) participated in the 1st Tamilnadu Ice Skating Championship held at Iskate, Gurugram, in May 2024.