Colours Day, a vibrant celebration for PreKG kids, was held on the 30th of July, 2024. Mrs. Neharika Sanjeev, Member of the School Management, inaugurated the event alongside Dr. Roshini Manoj, Principal of Yuvabharathi Nursery School. Prekindergarten kids collaborated with their parents on projects, turning their classrooms into a vibrant wonderland.
The Blue section sparkled with depictions of sea creatures and glaciers, while the Red zone showcased a dynamic collection of fire stations, postboxes, and one of the historical landmarks, the Red Fort. The Yellow area dazzled with sunflowers, honey bees, honeycombs, and earthmover toys, capturing the essence of brightness and energy. The Green Corner was a lush haven, highlighting vegetables, trees, and various elements of nature.
The kids identified colours and began categorising, organising, and comparing objects. Captivated by the colours, they described their creations vividly, creating a cognitive link between visual clues and words. The kid's interactive learning experience added joy to the day's celebration.
