Parenting techniques, child nutrition and welfare - An interactive session
Yuvabharathi Nursery School organized a session on "Parenting techniques, child nutrition and welfare” for parents on the 8th of August,2024. Dr. Jayasree Ashwath, Paediatrician at Ayush Child Care Clinic, served as the resource person for the session, and Mrs. Neharika Sanjeev, Member of the School's management, along with Dr. Roshini Manoj, Principal of Yuvabharathi Nursery School, presided over the session.
Dr. Jayasree enlightened the parents about the critical period for brain development during an infant's formative years. She covered topics such as vaccines, micronutrient deficiencies, early mental development, language acquisition, dental issues, screen time, and similar matters. She shed light on neurodivergent conditions such as dyslexia, ADHD, and autism. In the following interactive session, parents clarified their queries on various issues they face as parents. Mrs. Neharika Sanjeev honoured the resource person with a memento, and Dr. Roshini Manoj delivered the vote of thanks.