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** Registrations for Playgroup, Pre KG, KG 1 and KG 2 admissions open for the academic year 2025-26 between 9.00 a.m. and 1.30 p.m. at Yuvabharathi Nursery School, No:557, Alagesan Road, Saibaba Colony, Coimbatore -11. Contact # 0422 4208105 / Mobile # 8220059606

Children's Day 2024

Yuvabharathi Nursery created beautiful moments to make the children feel special on Children's Day. Dr. Roshini Manoj, the Principal, started the day of 'fun and frolicking' by issuing tickets for the kids' favourite movie. Our kids from Pre-KG enjoyed the movie time with their pals. The children also had fun making flower and word art with dough, crafting paper baskets, and creating a beautiful photo collage for Children's Day!

Diwali Celebrations
Diwali Celebrations
Diwali Celebrations
Diwali Celebrations
Diwali Celebrations
Diwali Celebrations
Diwali Celebrations
Diwali Celebrations